We are currently looking to restart our Friends Group! If you are interested in becoming a friend please fill out this form and mail it or contact Heidi Deacon at 603.483.8245 or librarian@smythpl.org.
Who Are the Friends?
The Friends are a non-profit volunteer organization dedicated to providing support to the library and enrichment for the Candia community.
What Do We Do?
- Provide support for the Smyth Public Library
- Organize the annual book sale
- Sponsor cultural programs, including the Summer Music Series
- Add new books, movies, and audio books to the library’s collection
- Fund “Book Page” and museum passes
- Provide welcome packets for first graders at the Moore School
- Donate furnishings for the library
Interested in becoming a friend of the library?
Fill out this form and mail it to us; or contact Heidi Deacon at librarian@smythpl.org